Why Join as a

College Student?

  1. One of our key missions is to help Albanian-American high school students succeed academically and make their transition to college easier. We cannot achieve this without the help of successful college students like YOU!

If interested in mentoring high school students and making a difference in the Albanian-American community, please complete the form below:

We are here to help you advance your ACADEMIC and PROFESSIONAL goals!

Planning on attending Graduate School?

  • Unsure about your next steps after college? Our organization assists in exploring various career paths and understanding the job market. We provide insights into different industries, roles, and the skills required for them, helping you make informed decisions about your career.

  • Crafting a standout resume and excelling in job interviews are essential skills for job seekers. SAPS offers workshops and one-on-one sessions on resume building, cover letter writing, and interview techniques. We'll help you present your experiences and skills effectively to potential employers.

  • Building a strong professional network is key to finding job opportunities. We facilitate networking events and mentorship connections, allowing you to meet and learn from established professionals in your field. Our events and resources are geared towards enhancing your professional development and expanding your career opportunities.

  • If you're considering graduate school, navigating the application process can be daunting. SAPS provides tailored support to help you understand the nuances of applying to graduate programs. From crafting compelling personal statements to choosing the right schools and programs, our mentors can guide you through every step, ensuring you put your best foot forward.

  • Engaging in research is a critical component of many graduate programs. We offer insights into finding research opportunities, developing a thesis topic, and effectively managing research projects. Our network includes graduate students and professionals who can share their experiences and offer advice on making the most of your research endeavors.

  • Standardized tests like the GRE, GMAT, or LSAT can be major hurdles in the graduate school application process. SAPS provides resources and mentorship to help you prepare effectively. Additionally, we offer mock interviews and tips to help you excel in the crucial interview stage, giving you the confidence and skills to succeed.

Planning on Finding a Job after college?