Looking to Jumpstart Your Career After College? Join Us and Succeed!


Mentorship With Professionals

Our mentors are currently working at:

~ Fordham University

~ Fordham University

Are you a college student gearing up to step into the professional world? At Shoqata Akademike dhe Profesionale Shqiptare (SAPS), we understand the challenges and excitement of this transition. Our organization is dedicated to helping you find your footing in the job market. We connect you with industry professionals and provide resources to ensure you're well-prepared for your career journey.

  • Discover the art of creating impactful resumes that stand out to employers. Our experts will guide you through structuring your resume to highlight your strengths effectively. Additionally, get insider tips on handling job interviews with confidence, from preparing your responses to making a lasting impression.

  • Networking is key in today's professional world. SAPS provides platforms for you to connect with industry professionals and fellow students at various events. These interactions can open doors to new opportunities and provide insights into different career paths, helping you build a strong professional network.

  • Access a curated selection of internship and job opportunities that align with your career goals. These listings are sourced to specifically cater to the needs and interests of our members, giving you a head start in finding positions that match your skills and aspirations.

  • Engage in our comprehensive workshops and webinars designed to give you a deeper understanding of various industries and careers. These sessions are led by seasoned professionals and cover a wide range of topics, from industry trends to career planning strategies.

  • Benefit from personalized career advice tailored to your unique journey. Our mentorship program connects you with professionals who have walked the path you're on. They can provide valuable insights, answer your specific questions, and guide you towards making informed career decisions.

  • Participate in a series of events focused on developing key professional skills that go beyond academic knowledge. These include effective communication, leadership, time management, and teamwork. These skills are crucial in any workplace and will prepare you for a smooth transition from college to a professional environment.

Ready to be a part of our dynamic network? Fill out the form to get started!