Faton Limani is a seasoned professional who is passionate about applying the Adaptive Leadership framework across various sectors. As the Founder and CEO of Leadership Advancement Associates , Faton has dedicated his career to helping individuals, teams, and organizations address challenges and solve difficult problems. His expertise extends to several other frameworks, including Public Speaking, Negotiations, Immunity to Change, Teaming, Design Thinking, Strategic Management, and Business Communications.

Faton's commitment to leadership development is underscored by his extensive experience. He has taught and facilitated leadership courses at Harvard, where he served as a Head Teaching Assistant. His influence has reached a global scale, having taught leadership across the USA, Europe, and Asia. Faton has coached hundreds of students, corporate executives, and young professionals in the leadership development field.

Before embarking on his journey in leadership development, Faton contributed to the US Department of Defense in various projects with a civil contractor company. Additionally, he has taught strategic management as an Assistant at the university level in Kosova. His engagement in local politics, nonprofit organizations, and the private sector has afforded him diverse leadership roles.